Just curious-- wouldn't you be far better served spending 20 minutes a day on an exercise bike than by sitting and typing?
If you're pretty, don't waste it-- bite the bullet, get on a low carbohydrate diet like South Beach and start hitting the exercise machines like there's no tomorrow.
You'll feel better about yourself than you would after writing 10 million rules for life.
girl--forget the icing, shove the pills in a slice of cake and don't look back!!
Keep up the good work!!
Just curious-- wouldn't you be far better served spending 20 minutes a day on an exercise bike than by sitting and typing?
If you're pretty, don't waste it-- bite the bullet, get on a low carbohydrate diet like South Beach and start hitting the exercise machines like there's no tomorrow.
You'll feel better about yourself than you would after writing 10 million rules for life.
Worg, how you do know she isn't spending 20 minutes a day on an exercise bike?
And even if she isn't, what business is it of yours how she spends her time?
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