Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Memories and the Things We Keep to Remind Us of Them

Over the years, I've kept items that represent many beautiful memories and it always feels wonderful to be able to hold a memory in the palm of my hand.

Some items I've kept:
  • Ticket stubs from movies, concerts, fairs, etc.
  • My flower bouquet from when I was my friend's Maid-of-Honor
  • Invitations to friends' birthday parties
  • Plates, napkins, and balloons from my Sweet Sixteen
  • My first study Bible
  • the collar that my cat wore before she got sick
  • letters and cards from my friends over the years
  • Rice from my friend's wedding
  • A lock of hair from when I cut my hair to donate it to Locks of Love
What kinds of things have you held onto over the years?

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