Wednesday, July 2, 2008

That Moment When I Became Sick of My Body

I'm about to tell you something very personal and previously private to me. It's about the moment I finally couldn't stand my own body anymore. The moment I realized a change had to be made. Prepare yourselves, because this isn't exactly a pretty story. It is very difficult for me to write and to share with you, but I feel that this is an important experience to share. Hopefully it will help someone like me before they get to the place I'm about to describe.

It was fairly normal day, though I was feeling a little depressed. About what, I don't know. I had just gotten out of the shower when I looked in the mirror and froze. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did this horrible body I was looking at really belong to me? It couldn't possibly. Of course I'd known I was overweight, but not like this. Even though I look in the mirror everyday, apparently I'd never really seen myself.

I turned to the toilet and threw up. Mostly because I was so disgusted by what I saw, but I think there was a part of me that didn't want anything to add to the horror staring back at me. Back at the sink in front of the mirror as I rinsed my mouth out, I took a good look at my pale, chubby, sickly-looking face. At that moment I realized that I had actually gotten physically sick because of my own body. Something had to be done.

That was the day I joined Weight Watchers for the first time. I had a friend who had already lost over 75lbs on Weight Watchers and had recommended it to me. It was one of the best choices I've made in my life. One of the worst was quitting, thinking that I'd be able to continue on my own without the membership. I'm sure some people may be able to do it, but I couldn't. That's why I rejoined about a week ago. My first weigh-in was on Monday, June 30, and I'm happy to say that I've lost two lbs in my first week. The great thing about this being my second time around is that I don't have any doubts this time. I already know that I'll be able to do it because I have once before. I also know that If my friend and I could do, anybody else can.

I swore that I would never let myself go back to that dark place again. I got close this time, but circumstances knocked some sense into me when I couldn't knock it into myself. I hope that sharing this will help someone else before they feel the way I felt.